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Marga Grey
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Marga J Grey (B.OT, M.Sc. OT) is a registered paediatric occupational therapist with extensive experience in sensory integration therapy, early childhood development and learning issues. She is available for online consultations (Telehealth).

CoordiKids is her brainchild. CoordiKids is the perfect blend of therapy and modern innovation to develop skills such as coordination, planning of tasks, emotional regulation, and attention through developmentally sequenced exercises.

CoordiKids offers easy to follow videos presented in courses:

– CoordiKids Home Course develops skills in individual or family settings at home. Packages of 7 to 9 videos are repeated daily for 15 to 20 minutes.

– CoordiKids Classroom Course provides optimal movement breaks using exercises to enhance attention and emotional regulation. These videos are ideal for any age, are completed in 5 minutes, use small space, and build skills over time.

– CoordiKids Preschool are packaged in sets of exercises for groups. The exercises are developmentally sequenced to develop fundamental movement, balance, and coordination skills.

For more information please visit the CoordiKids website