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Cat Mead
Open Mind Space
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My story, I guess like everyone else, is long. I came to yoga in 2013 and at that time had absolutely zero idea how much it was actually going to change my life.

After a few years I decided it was time to do my teacher training and so in 2015 I went to Byron Yoga Centre and completed my 200hr YTT with John Ogilvie.

I immediately began teaching upon my return to Newcastle, but after quitting my job, starting a yoga business, a few more ups and downs and really taking a while to find my feet I took about a year-long break from teaching in 2018. After a bit of time I realised that Yin yoga is where my heart is and I missed teaching it.

In October 2019 fate brought me to the 50hr Yin Yoga Teacher Training with Melanie McLaughlin and it was absolutely incredible. I thought I loved Yin before that! A month later I completed her Advanced Yin yoga workshop and it’s safe to say, I am obsessed.

I currently teach regular classes at The Open Mind Space in Broadmeadow (Newcastle) and also manage the studio there.

My Qualifications
Bachelor of Social Science
​200hr Yoga Teacher Training
50hr Yin Yoga Teacher Training
15hr Advanced Yin Workshop
20hr Yoga Anatomy Training